17 March 2015
Bannering for
Barry in 2015
This year we
will reprise our bannerings on the anniversary of Barry Jennings death-- Wednesday,
August 19, as is described below in 2009. The bannerings would be at media
outlets like newspapers, radio stations, and TV stations, along with schools of
journalism. The banner just reads JenningsMystery.com. We can show you an inexpensive
source for a banner. If you can help in any way, call me.
17 September 2012
31 December 2009
A Challenge to American Journalism
Permanent Top Post--Scroll Down for Newer Posts
The significance of the Barry Jennings mystery is that his personal story as recounted on video leads to the conclusion that the destruction of the towers on 9/11 was planned. No cause of death has been made public, and the mainstream press has not even covered the death of this American hero.
Summary of Case
Nearly one year ago, on August 19, 2008, 53 year old Barry Jennings died, two days before the release of the NIST Final Report on the collapse of WTC7. Jennings was Deputy Director of Emergency Services Department for the New York City Housing Authority. On September 11th, 2001, he saw and heard explosions BEFORE the Twin Towers fell, while attempting to evacuate the WTC 7 Command Center with NYC Corporation Counsel Michael Hess. Jennings publicly shared his experiences with a reporter on the day of 9/11/01, as well as in a lengthy 2007 video interview with Dylan Avery, a small clip of which was then released; subsequently his job was threatened and he asked that the taped interview not be included in Loose Change Final Cut.. However, after an interview with Jennings was broadcast by the BBC in their program The Third Tower ostensibly refuting what he had previously stated to Avery, Avery felt compelled to release the full original video interview to show the distortions made by the BBC. The cause of Jennings' death has not been made public, and a private investigator hired by Avery to discover the cause and circumstances surrounding his death refused to proceed with the investigation. In spite of the significance of Jennings' position with NYC on 9/11 and his controversial eyewitness testimony regarding the collapse of WTC7, the media has not investigated or reported on his death, nor reported on his statements.
The following links will take you to the original UNCUT Loose Change interview:
Key links:
Summary of Case
Nearly one year ago, on August 19, 2008, 53 year old Barry Jennings died, two days before the release of the NIST Final Report on the collapse of WTC7. Jennings was Deputy Director of Emergency Services Department for the New York City Housing Authority. On September 11th, 2001, he saw and heard explosions BEFORE the Twin Towers fell, while attempting to evacuate the WTC 7 Command Center with NYC Corporation Counsel Michael Hess. Jennings publicly shared his experiences with a reporter on the day of 9/11/01, as well as in a lengthy 2007 video interview with Dylan Avery, a small clip of which was then released; subsequently his job was threatened and he asked that the taped interview not be included in Loose Change Final Cut.. However, after an interview with Jennings was broadcast by the BBC in their program The Third Tower ostensibly refuting what he had previously stated to Avery, Avery felt compelled to release the full original video interview to show the distortions made by the BBC. The cause of Jennings' death has not been made public, and a private investigator hired by Avery to discover the cause and circumstances surrounding his death refused to proceed with the investigation. In spite of the significance of Jennings' position with NYC on 9/11 and his controversial eyewitness testimony regarding the collapse of WTC7, the media has not investigated or reported on his death, nor reported on his statements.
The following links will take you to the original UNCUT Loose Change interview:
Key links:
History Commons - Profile: Barry Jennings
New Info on Barry Jennings...
Key Witness to WTC 7 Explosions Dead at 53

New Info on Barry Jennings...
Key Witness to WTC 7 Explosions Dead at 53

21 August 2009
Reports & Pics from Anniversary Bannering
One of the beauties of this bannering effort is that it can be done by activists that live in tiny towns, far away from other activists. If you would like to do this where you live, don't worry that 8/19/09 has come and gone. Just do it any weekday when you can, and make sure to send us a report and description of your experience to davidslesinger@yahoo.com. The reason we ask that your banners and flyers only contain the text "JenningsMystery.com" is that we believe any extra info will decrease the chance they will visit the webpage. Nevertheless you are free to do want you want, but please do not say Jennings was murdered because we do not know that, and it sets us up for a fall if it turns out he died of natural causes. The key is that his testimony conflicts with the official story.

Anne Johnson (Cedar Falls, Iowa): Well, that was fun!
I stood outside the [Waterloo-Cedar Falls] Courier for about an hour, after I let them know inside that I was outside. Pat Kinney from the newsroom came out just as a friend of mine was taking my picture, and he (Pat) and I talked awhile about 9/11 and Barry Jennings and the whole truth movement and the desire for a new investigation, etc. I gave him some deception dollars, too.
The publisher of the paper also came out, introduced himself and gave me a bottle of water, but he was off to a meeting and didn't have time to chat.
A couple of people asked me about the sign. I'll put it up in my front yard in Cedar Falls, and a lot of people will see it. I live at a busy intersection.
David Slesinger (Washington, DC): I arrived at the Washington Post before noon on Aug. 19, 2009, the anniversary of Barry Jenning's death, and unfurled our shorter, five-foot banner because we had to be perpendicular to the sidewalk foot traffic. Matt Skarlatos joined me at about 12:30 p.m. Earlier, at about 12:20 p.m. I recognized editor and famous Watergate journalist Bob Woodward approaching. "Mr. Woodward, check this out my brother," I said as I handed him a narrow slip of paper with "JenningsMystery.com" in large text. He took it and kept walking. During the hour and a half we were there, we had conversations with about half a dozen journalists including one editor of an engineering journal. This was the first of the three times I had bannered at this location that security did not hassle me.
At about 4:00 p.m. Matt and I set up with a longer, ten-foot banner at the Newseum, the preeminent museum of journalism. We used a collapsable rod so the banner could be held by one person, allowing the other to hand out fliers. I used the pitch, "You like mysteries, don't you?" Most families leaving the museum took a flyer. We gave out about 75 flyers in the 45 minutes we spent there. I told a tourist from Calgary that we were doing this all over the world today, but that the only city in Canada we were bannering was Calgary. She appreciated hearing that.
Matt Naus (Milwaulkee): We had our street action today and we hit 2 news organizations in Milwaukee, WI. The first place was the Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel and the second place was WISN Channel 12 and ABC affiliate. Here's a few pics in the attached files of our street action. I also did some video and will be making a Youtube in the next day or so. (Matt is founder of Take A Stand For 9/11 Truth ts911t.org)

Sander Hicks (New York City): Here's a quick report from the NYC field team of the global effort to raise awareness about the mysterious death a year ago of 9/11 witness Barry Jennings. We passed out 200 flyers to various NY Times staff and others for three hours in the sunny heat of midtown yesterday. I got into several good conversations, including with folks inside the NY Times photo and computer support departments. I did drop off a copy of my letter in print to Mr. Hoyt, included a post card from NYC CAN, and a copy of my book. I am glad to hear that the efforts in Hollywood, Iowa, Norway and other locations went so well. Here's the text of my letter:
Mr. Clark Hoyt
Public Editor
The New York Times
620 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10018
Dear Mr. Hoyt,
Today is a sacred moment. 8/19/09 is the first anniversary of the death of NYC 9/11 martyr Barry Jennings.
He worked for the City of New York. He was Deputy Director of the Emergency Services Department. He was in WTC Building 7 on 9/11, and he saw too much.
His death has never been explained, let alone investigated. There is no story on his mysterious death at the NYTimes.com.
We Demand Transparency! and other 9/11 truth groups are doing a "bannering" outside the New York Times today.
I would like to see if you would cordially allow me to hand you some documents, today, anytime between the hours of 12:30 and 4:30. I am a friendly, professional guy. I have worked as a journalist for New York Press, Alternet, Catholic Worker, and others. I know the 9/11 story pretty well. The New York Times has been deficient in its coverage of the massive, global, movement asking for a real investigation of the 9/11 attacks. Currently in New York State Supreme Court, the NYC Coalition for Accountability Now is struggling to get the 9/11 investigation referendum on the ballot.
Let's use this day of mourning to turn our tears into gladness. Let's go from death and mystery into light and truth.
Jennings lives on in videos made by good independent film-makers, and posted online. Jennings is prominent in the History Commons 9/11 Timeline, online, a credible source used by Emmy-award winning reporter Peter Lance, and others.
So, why no Barry Jennings story in the Times?
Today's action is being done in conjunction with a nation-wide campaign organized along the principles of Gandhian witness and resistance. Other actions are taking place at 42 other locations, around the globe. From Washington DC, to Hollywood, to Norway, people of peace and truth are bannering outside media outlets with this same message:
Investigate Jennings' Death. Investigate 9/11.
Thanks for your time.
Sander Hicks
We Demand Transparency
Zan Overall (Hollywood, CA): Some twelve people showed up to take part in this national tribute to Barry Jennings. The hope of the organizers is to induce media to cover the story or at least be aware of it in their heart of hearts. That assumes they have hearts.
I know that the CNN Hollywood office was aware of our demonstration. A "suit" came down and talked to some of us, in a very genial way. I got the impression we amused him. "Hollywood characters!" At least he is more aware of Barry Jennings than he was before.
He took pictures. He came over to me and said "That is the sign I really want to get a picture of." It was one I made last night that read: "CNN STAFFERS! FIND HONEST WORK! (ELSEWHERE) FOR STARTERS: DEBUNK THE OFFICIAL 9/11 "STORY!" (IT'S EASY!)"
I would like to think he sent it back East to amuse (and subconsciously influence) his colleagues. (The way insects carry poison back into their nests.) (Raid!!!!!!!!!)
Minneapolis, MN: Report forthcoming.

Oslo, Norway: Local 9/11 Truth activist tours the newspapers.

Anne Johnson (Cedar Falls, Iowa): Well, that was fun!
I stood outside the [Waterloo-Cedar Falls] Courier for about an hour, after I let them know inside that I was outside. Pat Kinney from the newsroom came out just as a friend of mine was taking my picture, and he (Pat) and I talked awhile about 9/11 and Barry Jennings and the whole truth movement and the desire for a new investigation, etc. I gave him some deception dollars, too.
The publisher of the paper also came out, introduced himself and gave me a bottle of water, but he was off to a meeting and didn't have time to chat.
A couple of people asked me about the sign. I'll put it up in my front yard in Cedar Falls, and a lot of people will see it. I live at a busy intersection.

Sander Hicks (New York City): Here's a quick report from the NYC field team of the global effort to raise awareness about the mysterious death a year ago of 9/11 witness Barry Jennings. We passed out 200 flyers to various NY Times staff and others for three hours in the sunny heat of midtown yesterday. I got into several good conversations, including with folks inside the NY Times photo and computer support departments. I did drop off a copy of my letter in print to Mr. Hoyt, included a post card from NYC CAN, and a copy of my book. I am glad to hear that the efforts in Hollywood, Iowa, Norway and other locations went so well. Here's the text of my letter:
Mr. Clark Hoyt
Public Editor
The New York Times
620 Eighth Avenue
New York, NY 10018
Dear Mr. Hoyt,
Today is a sacred moment. 8/19/09 is the first anniversary of the death of NYC 9/11 martyr Barry Jennings.
He worked for the City of New York. He was Deputy Director of the Emergency Services Department. He was in WTC Building 7 on 9/11, and he saw too much.
His death has never been explained, let alone investigated. There is no story on his mysterious death at the NYTimes.com.
We Demand Transparency! and other 9/11 truth groups are doing a "bannering" outside the New York Times today.
I would like to see if you would cordially allow me to hand you some documents, today, anytime between the hours of 12:30 and 4:30. I am a friendly, professional guy. I have worked as a journalist for New York Press, Alternet, Catholic Worker, and others. I know the 9/11 story pretty well. The New York Times has been deficient in its coverage of the massive, global, movement asking for a real investigation of the 9/11 attacks. Currently in New York State Supreme Court, the NYC Coalition for Accountability Now is struggling to get the 9/11 investigation referendum on the ballot.
Let's use this day of mourning to turn our tears into gladness. Let's go from death and mystery into light and truth.
Jennings lives on in videos made by good independent film-makers, and posted online. Jennings is prominent in the History Commons 9/11 Timeline, online, a credible source used by Emmy-award winning reporter Peter Lance, and others.
So, why no Barry Jennings story in the Times?
Today's action is being done in conjunction with a nation-wide campaign organized along the principles of Gandhian witness and resistance. Other actions are taking place at 42 other locations, around the globe. From Washington DC, to Hollywood, to Norway, people of peace and truth are bannering outside media outlets with this same message:
Investigate Jennings' Death. Investigate 9/11.
Thanks for your time.
Sander Hicks
We Demand Transparency

I know that the CNN Hollywood office was aware of our demonstration. A "suit" came down and talked to some of us, in a very genial way. I got the impression we amused him. "Hollywood characters!" At least he is more aware of Barry Jennings than he was before.
He took pictures. He came over to me and said "That is the sign I really want to get a picture of." It was one I made last night that read: "CNN STAFFERS! FIND HONEST WORK! (ELSEWHERE) FOR STARTERS: DEBUNK THE OFFICIAL 9/11 "STORY!" (IT'S EASY!)"
I would like to think he sent it back East to amuse (and subconsciously influence) his colleagues. (The way insects carry poison back into their nests.) (Raid!!!!!!!!!)
Minneapolis, MN: Report forthcoming.

Oslo, Norway: Local 9/11 Truth activist tours the newspapers.
17 March 2009
History Commons - Profile: Barry Jennings
Profile: Barry Jennings
Barry Jennings was a participant or observer in the following events:
(Shortly Before 9:03 a.m.) September 11, 2001: New York City Workers Reportedly Find Emergency Command Center Empty before It Is Supposedly Evacuated
After the first World Trade Center tower is hit, Barry Jennings, a City Housing Authority worker, and Michael Hess, New York’s corporation counsel, head up to the emergency command center of the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM), which is on the 23rd floor of WTC 7. [Associated Press, 9/11/2001] The center, opened in 1999, is intended to coordinate responses to various emergencies, including terrorist attacks (see June 8, 1999). [CNN, 6/7/1999] However, Hess and Jennings find no one there. [National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005, pp. 109-110 ; BBC, 7/6/2008] Center Is Empty; Jennings Warned to Leave - Jennings will describe that, when he arrives at the emergency command center, “To my amazement, nobody’s there.” He says: “I saw coffee that was still hot, that was still smoldering. They had screens all over the place, but the screens were blank. So I didn’t know what was going on.” He then phones several individuals, including one of his superiors. When Jennings says where he is, the superior responds: “Get out of there. Get out of there now.” Hess then runs back into the center, after having found the stairwell, and says: “We’re the only ones up here. We gotta get out of here.” [Dylan Avery, 2007; BBC, 7/6/2008] 9/11 Commission Claims Command Center Not Evacuated until Later - Yet, according to the 9/11 Commission, “After the South Tower was hit [at 9:03], OEM senior leadership decided to remain in its ‘bunker’ and continue conducting operations, even though all civilians had been evacuated from 7 WTC.” The Commission will claim the emergency command center is not evacuated until 9:30 a.m. (see (9:30 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [9/11 Commission, 7/24/2004, pp. 305] But according to the London Independent, Hess and Jennings arrive there by the time the South Tower is hit, which suggests the center is evacuated earlier than officially claimed. [Independent, 9/13/2001] Jennings himself will recall, “I had to be inside on the 23rd floor when the second plane hit.” [Dylan Avery, 2007] The possibility that the emergency command center is evacuated earlier than the 9/11 Commission claims is partly confirmed by OEM Commissioner John Odermatt, who later says that after the first plane hit the WTC, he left only two staffers there (see (Soon After 8:46 a.m.-9:35 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [Barrett and Collins, 2006, pp. 34] Jennings and Hess subsequently head down the stairs, but will become trapped in WTC 7, and have to be rescued by firefighters (see 12:10 p.m.-12:15 p.m. September 11, 2001). [National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005, pp. 109-110 ]
Entity Tags: Michael Hess, Office of Emergency Management, Barry Jennings
Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline, 9/11 Timeline
(Between 9:15 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.) September 11, 2001: New York City Workers Hear Explosions in WTC 7
Barry Jennings [Source: Public domain]Barry Jennings, a City Housing Authority worker, and Michael Hess, New York’s corporation counsel, hear unexplained explosions inside World Trade Center Building 7, where they become trapped. [UPN 9, 9/11/2001; BBC, 7/6/2008] The two men went up to the emergency command center on the 23rd floor of WTC 7 after the first attack occurred (see (Shortly Before 9:03 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [Associated Press, 9/11/2001; Independent, 9/13/2001] At some point, the power goes out in the building. They then start walking down the stairs to get out. According to Hess, when the two men get down to the eighth floor, “there was an explosion and we’ve been trapped on the eighth floor with smoke, thick smoke, all around us, for about an hour and a half.” [UPN 9, 9/11/2001] Jennings will also recall hearing explosions. He will say: “I made it to the sixth floor and there was an explosion. The explosion was beneath me.” [Dylan Avery, 2007] He will add, “[T]he staircase that I was standing on just gave way,” and, “Then we made it back to the eighth floor, I heard some more explosions.” [BBC, 7/6/2008] Jennings says to Hess: “This is it; we’re dead. We’re not gonna make it out of here.” [Penn State Public Broadcasting, 3/1/2002] The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will claim the two men head down the stairs after 9:59, when the first collapse occurs, and then become trapped around the time the second tower collapses, at 10:28. [National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005, pp. 109-110 ] But according to the London Independent, they start heading down the stairs after the second attack at 9:03, which suggests the explosions begin earlier on. [Independent, 9/13/2001] Jennings will confirm this, saying that when he hears the first explosion, “Both [of the Twin Towers] were still standing,” meaning it occurs before 9:59. He says: “I was trapped in there when both [Twin Towers] came down.… All this time I’m hearing explosions.” [Dylan Avery, 2007] The cause of the explosions is unclear. Later on, firefighters will rescue Hess and Jennings from the building (see 12:10 p.m.-12:15 p.m. September 11, 2001). [National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005, pp. 109-110 ]
Entity Tags: Barry Jennings, Michael Hess
Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline, 9/11 Timeline
(Shortly Before 12:10 p.m.) September 11, 2001: City Housing Authority Worker Finds WTC 7 Lobby in Ruins, Possibly Steps over Dead Bodies
Barry Jennings, a City Housing Authority worker who had become trapped in World Trade Center Building 7, finds the building’s lobby in ruins as he is being rescued from it, and steps over what feels to him like dead bodies. [Dylan Avery, 2007] After the first plane hit the WTC, Jennings had gone up to the emergency command center on the 23rd floor of WTC 7 along with Michael Hess, New York’s corporation counsel (see (Shortly Before 9:03 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [Associated Press, 9/11/2001; Dylan Avery, 2007] After heading down the stairs, the two men became trapped on the building’s eighth floor (see (Between 9:15 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.) September 11, 2001). Some time later, firefighters come into WTC 7 to help the two men out of the building. [UPN 9, 9/11/2001; National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005, pp. 109-110 ] Lobby Is 'Total Ruins' - According to Jennings, when he gets down to the lobby, he is astonished to find it totally ruined. In a 2007 interview he will recall: “[W]hen I came in there, the lobby had nice escalators. It was a huge lobby.” But reaching it again, he asks the firefighter who is escorting him, “Where are we?” and the firefighter answers, “This was the lobby.” Jennings finds this “unbelievable,” and says, “You gotta be kidding me.” He will describe the lobby as being “total ruins.” 'Stepping over People' - Furthermore, Jennings steps over what may be dead bodies in the lobby. He will say: “[T]he firefighter that took us down kept saying, ‘Do not look down,’ and I kept saying, ‘Why is that?’ [He said,] ‘Do not look down.’ And, stepping over people. And you know you could feel when you’re stepping over people.” [Dylan Avery, 2007] Yet most people were evacuated from WTC 7 around 9:03 a.m., if not earlier (see (9:03 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005, pp. 109 ] The very latest that people left the building, according to official accounts, was 9:30 a.m. (see (9:30 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [9/11 Commission, 7/24/2004, pp. 305] In a later interview, Jennings will clarify: “I never saw dead bodies.… [I]t felt like I was stepping over them but I never saw them.” The BBC will say, “There is no evidence that anyone died in Tower 7 on 9/11.” [BBC, 7/4/2008; BBC, 7/6/2008] According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), firefighters lead Jennings and Hess out of WTC 7 at around 12:10 p.m. to 12:15 p.m. (see 12:10 p.m.-12:15 p.m. September 11, 2001). [National Institute of Standards and Technology, 6/2004, pp. L-18 ]
Entity Tags: Michael Hess, Barry Jennings
Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline, 9/11 Timeline
12:10 p.m.-12:15 p.m. September 11, 2001: Firefighters Rescue Three People Trapped in WTC 7
Michael Hess. [Source: Harvard Law Bulletin]While most of Building 7 of the World Trade Center was evacuated around the time the South Tower was hit, if not earlier (see (9:03 a.m.) September 11, 2001), firefighters now find three individuals who have become trapped inside it, and lead them out of the building. [National Institute of Standards and Technology, 6/2004, pp. L-18 ; National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005, pp. 109-110 ] Among these individuals are Barry Jennings, a City Housing Authority worker, and Michael Hess, New York’s chief lawyer who is also a longtime friend of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. The two had gone up to the 23rd floor emergency command center of the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management after the first attack occurred, but found it empty (see (Shortly Before 9:03 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [New York Times, 11/21/1997; Associated Press, 9/11/2001; Giuliani, 2002, pp. 20-21 and 244; Dylan Avery, 2007] They then headed downstairs but became trapped around the eighth floor by smoke and debris that filled the staircase. After breaking a window and calling for help, they were spotted by firefighters outside. When the firefighters go in, they also find a security officer for one of the businesses based in the building, who is trapped on the seventh floor by the smoke in the stairway. Why this guard did not evacuate earlier, along with the rest of WTC 7, is unknown. All three men are escorted out of the building. [Penn State Public Broadcasting, 3/1/2002; National Institute of Standards and Technology, 6/2004, pp. L-18 ; National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005, pp. 110 ]
Entity Tags: Michael Hess, Barry Jennings
Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline, 9/11 Timeline
Barry Jennings was a participant or observer in the following events:
(Shortly Before 9:03 a.m.) September 11, 2001: New York City Workers Reportedly Find Emergency Command Center Empty before It Is Supposedly Evacuated
After the first World Trade Center tower is hit, Barry Jennings, a City Housing Authority worker, and Michael Hess, New York’s corporation counsel, head up to the emergency command center of the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management (OEM), which is on the 23rd floor of WTC 7. [Associated Press, 9/11/2001] The center, opened in 1999, is intended to coordinate responses to various emergencies, including terrorist attacks (see June 8, 1999). [CNN, 6/7/1999] However, Hess and Jennings find no one there. [National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005, pp. 109-110 ; BBC, 7/6/2008] Center Is Empty; Jennings Warned to Leave - Jennings will describe that, when he arrives at the emergency command center, “To my amazement, nobody’s there.” He says: “I saw coffee that was still hot, that was still smoldering. They had screens all over the place, but the screens were blank. So I didn’t know what was going on.” He then phones several individuals, including one of his superiors. When Jennings says where he is, the superior responds: “Get out of there. Get out of there now.” Hess then runs back into the center, after having found the stairwell, and says: “We’re the only ones up here. We gotta get out of here.” [Dylan Avery, 2007; BBC, 7/6/2008] 9/11 Commission Claims Command Center Not Evacuated until Later - Yet, according to the 9/11 Commission, “After the South Tower was hit [at 9:03], OEM senior leadership decided to remain in its ‘bunker’ and continue conducting operations, even though all civilians had been evacuated from 7 WTC.” The Commission will claim the emergency command center is not evacuated until 9:30 a.m. (see (9:30 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [9/11 Commission, 7/24/2004, pp. 305] But according to the London Independent, Hess and Jennings arrive there by the time the South Tower is hit, which suggests the center is evacuated earlier than officially claimed. [Independent, 9/13/2001] Jennings himself will recall, “I had to be inside on the 23rd floor when the second plane hit.” [Dylan Avery, 2007] The possibility that the emergency command center is evacuated earlier than the 9/11 Commission claims is partly confirmed by OEM Commissioner John Odermatt, who later says that after the first plane hit the WTC, he left only two staffers there (see (Soon After 8:46 a.m.-9:35 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [Barrett and Collins, 2006, pp. 34] Jennings and Hess subsequently head down the stairs, but will become trapped in WTC 7, and have to be rescued by firefighters (see 12:10 p.m.-12:15 p.m. September 11, 2001). [National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005, pp. 109-110 ]
Entity Tags: Michael Hess, Office of Emergency Management, Barry Jennings
Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline, 9/11 Timeline
(Between 9:15 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.) September 11, 2001: New York City Workers Hear Explosions in WTC 7
Barry Jennings [Source: Public domain]Barry Jennings, a City Housing Authority worker, and Michael Hess, New York’s corporation counsel, hear unexplained explosions inside World Trade Center Building 7, where they become trapped. [UPN 9, 9/11/2001; BBC, 7/6/2008] The two men went up to the emergency command center on the 23rd floor of WTC 7 after the first attack occurred (see (Shortly Before 9:03 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [Associated Press, 9/11/2001; Independent, 9/13/2001] At some point, the power goes out in the building. They then start walking down the stairs to get out. According to Hess, when the two men get down to the eighth floor, “there was an explosion and we’ve been trapped on the eighth floor with smoke, thick smoke, all around us, for about an hour and a half.” [UPN 9, 9/11/2001] Jennings will also recall hearing explosions. He will say: “I made it to the sixth floor and there was an explosion. The explosion was beneath me.” [Dylan Avery, 2007] He will add, “[T]he staircase that I was standing on just gave way,” and, “Then we made it back to the eighth floor, I heard some more explosions.” [BBC, 7/6/2008] Jennings says to Hess: “This is it; we’re dead. We’re not gonna make it out of here.” [Penn State Public Broadcasting, 3/1/2002] The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will claim the two men head down the stairs after 9:59, when the first collapse occurs, and then become trapped around the time the second tower collapses, at 10:28. [National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005, pp. 109-110 ] But according to the London Independent, they start heading down the stairs after the second attack at 9:03, which suggests the explosions begin earlier on. [Independent, 9/13/2001] Jennings will confirm this, saying that when he hears the first explosion, “Both [of the Twin Towers] were still standing,” meaning it occurs before 9:59. He says: “I was trapped in there when both [Twin Towers] came down.… All this time I’m hearing explosions.” [Dylan Avery, 2007] The cause of the explosions is unclear. Later on, firefighters will rescue Hess and Jennings from the building (see 12:10 p.m.-12:15 p.m. September 11, 2001). [National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005, pp. 109-110 ]
Entity Tags: Barry Jennings, Michael Hess
Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline, 9/11 Timeline
(Shortly Before 12:10 p.m.) September 11, 2001: City Housing Authority Worker Finds WTC 7 Lobby in Ruins, Possibly Steps over Dead Bodies
Barry Jennings, a City Housing Authority worker who had become trapped in World Trade Center Building 7, finds the building’s lobby in ruins as he is being rescued from it, and steps over what feels to him like dead bodies. [Dylan Avery, 2007] After the first plane hit the WTC, Jennings had gone up to the emergency command center on the 23rd floor of WTC 7 along with Michael Hess, New York’s corporation counsel (see (Shortly Before 9:03 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [Associated Press, 9/11/2001; Dylan Avery, 2007] After heading down the stairs, the two men became trapped on the building’s eighth floor (see (Between 9:15 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.) September 11, 2001). Some time later, firefighters come into WTC 7 to help the two men out of the building. [UPN 9, 9/11/2001; National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005, pp. 109-110 ] Lobby Is 'Total Ruins' - According to Jennings, when he gets down to the lobby, he is astonished to find it totally ruined. In a 2007 interview he will recall: “[W]hen I came in there, the lobby had nice escalators. It was a huge lobby.” But reaching it again, he asks the firefighter who is escorting him, “Where are we?” and the firefighter answers, “This was the lobby.” Jennings finds this “unbelievable,” and says, “You gotta be kidding me.” He will describe the lobby as being “total ruins.” 'Stepping over People' - Furthermore, Jennings steps over what may be dead bodies in the lobby. He will say: “[T]he firefighter that took us down kept saying, ‘Do not look down,’ and I kept saying, ‘Why is that?’ [He said,] ‘Do not look down.’ And, stepping over people. And you know you could feel when you’re stepping over people.” [Dylan Avery, 2007] Yet most people were evacuated from WTC 7 around 9:03 a.m., if not earlier (see (9:03 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005, pp. 109 ] The very latest that people left the building, according to official accounts, was 9:30 a.m. (see (9:30 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [9/11 Commission, 7/24/2004, pp. 305] In a later interview, Jennings will clarify: “I never saw dead bodies.… [I]t felt like I was stepping over them but I never saw them.” The BBC will say, “There is no evidence that anyone died in Tower 7 on 9/11.” [BBC, 7/4/2008; BBC, 7/6/2008] According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), firefighters lead Jennings and Hess out of WTC 7 at around 12:10 p.m. to 12:15 p.m. (see 12:10 p.m.-12:15 p.m. September 11, 2001). [National Institute of Standards and Technology, 6/2004, pp. L-18 ]
Entity Tags: Michael Hess, Barry Jennings
Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline, 9/11 Timeline
12:10 p.m.-12:15 p.m. September 11, 2001: Firefighters Rescue Three People Trapped in WTC 7
Michael Hess. [Source: Harvard Law Bulletin]While most of Building 7 of the World Trade Center was evacuated around the time the South Tower was hit, if not earlier (see (9:03 a.m.) September 11, 2001), firefighters now find three individuals who have become trapped inside it, and lead them out of the building. [National Institute of Standards and Technology, 6/2004, pp. L-18 ; National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005, pp. 109-110 ] Among these individuals are Barry Jennings, a City Housing Authority worker, and Michael Hess, New York’s chief lawyer who is also a longtime friend of Mayor Rudolph Giuliani. The two had gone up to the 23rd floor emergency command center of the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management after the first attack occurred, but found it empty (see (Shortly Before 9:03 a.m.) September 11, 2001). [New York Times, 11/21/1997; Associated Press, 9/11/2001; Giuliani, 2002, pp. 20-21 and 244; Dylan Avery, 2007] They then headed downstairs but became trapped around the eighth floor by smoke and debris that filled the staircase. After breaking a window and calling for help, they were spotted by firefighters outside. When the firefighters go in, they also find a security officer for one of the businesses based in the building, who is trapped on the seventh floor by the smoke in the stairway. Why this guard did not evacuate earlier, along with the rest of WTC 7, is unknown. All three men are escorted out of the building. [Penn State Public Broadcasting, 3/1/2002; National Institute of Standards and Technology, 6/2004, pp. L-18 ; National Institute of Standards and Technology, 9/2005, pp. 110 ]
Entity Tags: Michael Hess, Barry Jennings
Timeline Tags: Complete 911 Timeline, 9/11 Timeline
New info on Barry Jennings...
This is very interesting ... Aparently Jennings was in hospital a few days before he died. Dylan Avery recently hired a PI to investigate Jennings' death and not long after, the highly paid PI refunded his money and said "never contact me again". Also, Jennings' family seemed to have dissapeared.
Jennings was trapped in WTC7 for several hours on 9/11 by an explosion on the sixth floor stairwell BEFORE either tower came down. The BBC and NIST twisted his timeline to make it seem like the explosion was the north tower coming down ... which doesn't even make sense - I mean are we supposed to believe he waited on the 23rd floor for like an hour? Also he was on the north side of the building - the opposite side that was hit. Barry died on August 19th, 2008 at the age of 53 - there's been no official cause of death. Michael Hess, who was with him at the time, was interviewed by the BBC in september of 2008 and agreed with the official timeline .... interestingly he's still alive.
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This is very interesting ... Aparently Jennings was in hospital a few days before he died. Dylan Avery recently hired a PI to investigate Jennings' death and not long after, the highly paid PI refunded his money and said "never contact me again". Also, Jennings' family seemed to have dissapeared.
Jennings was trapped in WTC7 for several hours on 9/11 by an explosion on the sixth floor stairwell BEFORE either tower came down. The BBC and NIST twisted his timeline to make it seem like the explosion was the north tower coming down ... which doesn't even make sense - I mean are we supposed to believe he waited on the 23rd floor for like an hour? Also he was on the north side of the building - the opposite side that was hit. Barry died on August 19th, 2008 at the age of 53 - there's been no official cause of death. Michael Hess, who was with him at the time, was interviewed by the BBC in september of 2008 and agreed with the official timeline .... interestingly he's still alive.
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